A selection of 2 and 3 bedroom homes will be available on Shared Ownership, Market Rent and Affordable Rent homes

2 bedroom house
1x Affordable Rent (plot number 42)
3x Shared Ownership (plots 41, 26 and 27)
2x Market Rent (plots 39 and 40)

3 bedroom house
4x Affordable Rent (plots 45, 46, 47 and 48)
2x Shared Ownership (plots 43 and 44) - NOW RESERVED
6x Market Rent (plots 22, 23, 24, 25 and 28)

All affordable rents will be nominated via Keyways. If interested, please register with Keyways now.

All Shared ownership and Market Rent availability can be viewed and applied for via www.greatwellliving.org.uk